
Safety & Precautions

By law fireworks will only be on SALE from 2nd November to 5th November.

Safety & Precautions while using fireworks

  • Always read and follow instructions on the firework label.
  • NEVER HOLD FIREWORKS! (except for sparklers).
  • Do not allow children to handle or light fireworks.
  • Teach your children the dangers of fireworks and supervise them around fireworks at all times.
  • Check the wind direction
  • Keep a bucket of water or the garden hose nearby.
  • Put fireworks in sand or soil to prevent them from falling over.
  • Read and follow lighting instructions with a torch, not a flame.
  • Light in a wide open area outdoors.
  • Don’t handle fireworks under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  • Don’t try to re-light fireworks that don’t go off first time.
  • Call the Police on 111 if fireworks are being used dangerously.
  • If a fire occurs, call 111 and ask for the Fire Service.
  • Ensure the fireworks have cooled before disposing of them. Dipping them in water is a good precautionary measure.
  • Enjoy your fireworks safely and responsibly.


  • The best way to store fireworks is in their original packaging.
  • Store securely in a cool, dry place.
  • Store away from ignition sources, or anything that could create heat or a spark.
  • Do not store near any other Dangerous Goods. 
  • Fireworks are restricted to persons 18 years and over (R18).


  • For used fireworks: Soak in a bucket of water over night and then place the wet fireworks in a bag or wrap in newspaper and dispose in rubbish bin.
  • For unused fireworks: The safest way to dispose of live fireworks is to follow all safety instructions and ignite/light the fireworks, then dispose of the used fireworks accordingly. If this is not possible we recommend speaking to your local Police station or email us.
  • Damaged Fireworks: If you have damaged fireworks, please contact your local Police station or email us.

Helpful Tips

  • Fire Risk – If there is a fire ban or the area is very dry, please try to avoid using fireworks or at least have a plan in place should a fire start. Always keep a good supply of water on hand. It is a good idea to wet down the area close by prior, and have a long hose ready to go. Another option is to use a pressure sprayer or backpack sprayer and have this full of water. These are also very handy for wetting down any embers etc afterwards.
  • When using fireworks, please try to give your neighbours advance notice before you use fireworks.
  • Use fireworks at a reasonable time. We recommend not using fireworks after 10pm at night. Obviously we realise people will use them for New Years Eve, Guy Fawkes, Matariki, Diwali and other special occasions, so these are exceptions, but otherwise please think of others and use them at a respectable hour. 
  • Animals – Please make sure your animals are secure when using fireworks. It is also a good idea to advise your neighbours if they have animals. When in rural areas it is a good idea to give your neighbours plenty of notice well in advance. A good tip is to have animals inside with the curtains closed and a radio/music or tv on for background noise.

Emergency Contact Details

  • Emergency (Fire, Police, Ambulance) – 111
  • Poisoning (NZ Poisons Centre) – 0800 POISON (0800 764 766)
  • Hazardous Substance Emergency Response (Responsible Care NZ) – 0800 CHEMCALL (0800 243 622)